Title: SAT
Instructor: Dr. Jiang (Reading, Writing & Language, Essay)and Dr. Liu (Math)
Duration: 12 Sessions, 6/8 - 7/14/2019, Saturday & Sunday, 9am -12:30pm (PST)
By taking this class, you are well on your way to achieve a very high score in SAT score (possibly 1600!) in your effort to maximize your college admission potentials. One absolute requirement: you have to finish ALL homework/assignments required by the class. If you have any questions throughout the class, please email your instructors([email protected] for Dr. Jiang or [email protected] for Dr. Liu).
Note: The class syllabus will be available after the registration and tuition payment are completed
- In Class: Attend SAT class at our Santa Clara Facility.
- Live Online: Attend our SAT class online remotely from anywhere in the world using Zoom.